We ate some ice cream on occasion!

Camden got his first buzz cut after his wild mane could no longer be tamed!
We spent more time at the outdoor pool than ever before-it was a HOT summer so it worked out well.
I experimented with some healthy recipes and found one heck of a great one!
The boys enjoyed their new outdoor table-it has been great for play and picnics!
Cohan saved up for an iPod touch
The boys learned to play together with less fighting!
We cleared the clutter (and made a little money) with our rummage sale
We got silly
We challenged gravity
We played with friends
I gained a quite place to be crafty
The boys merged into one happy toy-filled room
We hit the road and Matt and I experienced seeing one of the Great Lakes for the very first time together
We relaxed and enjoyed some peaceful time together
We saw a friend enter into a new, wonderful walk of life-MARRIAGE! Congrats Jay and Andrea!
We ate some sweet treats
That about sums it up! We will still have some fall fun but the summer fun is almost done!