Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It seems like it has been forever since my last 5:30 am ride so it felt great to get back to it this morning. Last night I eagerly prepared myself for the ride-setting out my clothes, asking myself (and my husband) questions (How light is it at 5:30? How chilly is it? Do I need a sweatshirt? etc.), making sure everything was just right, and setting my alarm (I actually forgot that last thing until I went to bed so I had to get out a flashlight to set it oops!).
My alarm went off without fail at 5:30 but it did not actually wake me until 5:35-I must have needed those last 5 minutes! I quickly got ready and headed out the door. It was chilly but not too bad, the sun was just coming up, I could smell the summer flowers in the air-IT WAS WONDERFUL! I had forgotten all about so many of the things that I loved about my morning rides and also about some of the little hiccups. Here is a review of what was forgotten:
  • Sunglasses-they may not be needed for the ride down to the park but they are needed for the ride home!
  • The peacefulness-I had forgotten how calming and wonderful the early morning it.
  • The sprinklers-I was able to bob and weave around them without getting hit with more than a mist.
  • The beauty-the colors of the sky, the birds, the splashing fish-everything was so refreshing.
  • Water bottle-it seems the need for hydration just completely slipped my mind!
I also made some realizations about a few other things:
  • I still don't like the hills but I don't hate them near as much as I remember hating them last year.
  • I love this just as much as I did last summer.
  • I am now pretty positive that I have an ear infection.
Okay-that last realization kind of sucks but the other two are pretty good. I would really like to be able to extend my ride so that one of these mornings I can ride across the bridge as I have not yet walked or ridden across it. I didn't want to try it today because Matt and I decided that we would walk across together tonight-Happy Anniversary Babe!
All in all, I would say that I am thrilled to get back to riding and back working toward my fitness goals. I started a new 7 day challenge for Just Dance yesterday and this time I am determined to complete it! I think it is time for an apple and some Belvita so that's all for this morning!

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